Analysing .NET start-up time with Flamegraphs
03 Mar 2020Recently I gave a talk at the NYAN Conference called ‘From ‘dotnet run’ to ‘hello world’:
Recently I gave a talk at the NYAN Conference called ‘From ‘dotnet run’ to ‘hello world’:
'Default Implementations in Interfaces', sometimes referred to as just 'Default Interface Methods' (DIM) appeared in C# 8. In case you've never heard of the feature, here's some links to get you started:
Over the last few years, I’ve come across more and more research papers based, in some way, on the ‘Common Language Runtime’ (CLR).
As the saying goes:
“All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection”
Who doesn’t like a nice bit of ‘ASCII Art’? I know I certainly do!
I’m a massive fan of everything Fabien Sanglard does, I love his blog and I’ve read both his books cover-to-cover (for more info on his books, check out the recent Hansleminutes podcast).
What is ‘stack walking’, well as always the ‘Book of the Runtime’ (BotR) helps us, from the relevant page:
It seems like this time of year anyone with a blog is doing some sort of ‘advent calendar’, i.e. 24 posts leading up to Christmas. For instance there’s a F# one which inspired a C# one (C# copying from F#, that never happens 😉)
A little over 4 years ago Microsoft announced that they were open sourcing large parts of the .NET framework and as this slide from New Features in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 2.1 shows, the community has been contributing in a significant way:
Recently I was fortunate enough to chat with Chris Bacon who wrote DotNetAnywhere (an alternative .NET Runtime) and I quipped with him: