How the .NET Runtime loads a Type

It is something we take for granted every time we run a .NET program, but it turns out that loading a Type or class is a fairly complex process.

Lowering in the C# Compiler (and what happens when you misuse it)

Turns out that what I’d always thought of as “Compiler magic” or “Syntactic sugar” is actually known by the technical term ‘Lowering’ and the C# compiler (a.k.a Roslyn) uses it extensively.

Adding a new Bytecode Instruction to the CLR

Now that the CoreCLR is open-source we can do fun things, for instance find out if it’s possible to add new IL (Intermediate Language) instruction to the runtime.

Arrays and the CLR - a Very Special Relationship

A while ago I wrote about the ‘special relationship’ that exists between Strings and the CLR, well it turns out that Arrays and the CLR have an even deeper one, the type of closeness where you hold hands on your first meeting

The CLR Thread Pool 'Thread Injection' Algorithm

As part of a never-ending quest to explore the CoreCLR source code I stumbled across the intriguing titled ‘HillClimbing.cpp’ source file. This post explains what it does and why.

The .NET IL Interpreter

Whilst writing a previous blog post I stumbled across the .NET Interpreter, tucked away in the source code. Although, it I’d made even the smallest amount of effort to look for it, I’d have easily found it via the GitHub ‘magic’ file search:

A Hitchhikers Guide to the CoreCLR Source Code

Just over 2 years ago Microsoft open-sourced the entire .NET framework, this posts attempts to provide a ‘Hitchhikers Guide’ to the source-code found in the CoreCLR GitHub repository.

The 68 things the CLR does before executing a single line of your code (*)

Because the CLR is a managed environment there are several components within the runtime that need to be initialised before any of your code can be executed. This post will take a look at the EE (Execution Engine) start-up routine and examine the initialisation process in detail.

How do .NET delegates work?

Delegates are a fundamental part of the .NET runtime and whilst you rarely create them directly, they are there under-the-hood every time you use a lambda in LINQ (=>) or a Func<T>/Action<T> to make your code more functional. But how do they actually work and what’s going in the CLR when you use them?

Analysing Pause times in the .NET GC

Over the last few months there have been several blog posts looking at GC pauses in different programming languages or runtimes. It all started with a post looking at the latency of the Haskell GC, next came a follow-up that compared Haskell, OCaml and Racket, followed by Go GC in Theory and Practice, before a final post looking at the situation in Erlang.