This document describes the changes to the type system of the CLR to support generics (generic type definitions and generic methods). This design has the following aims:
For concreteness, code fragments are written in a "C# with generics" pseudo-code.
A generic type definition is a class, interface, or value type definition with formal generic parameters. These generic parameters represent types. Each generic parameter has a name, and optionally constraints that must be interface or class types. The generic parameter is in scope in the declarations of:
Some examples are shown in Section 3.
The following restrictions are enforced:
class C<T> : C<C<T>>
class C<T> : C<String>
class C<T> : D<String> class D<T> : C<String>
class C<T> : D<C<T>> class D<T> : C<D<T>>
The grammar of types in the CLR is extended in the following ways.
Given a generic class, interface or value
type definition, the generic parameters can be bound to actual
generic arguments (i.e. types) to produce a generic type instantiation.
The number of arguments must match the number of generic parameters specified
in the generic type definition, and the constraints on the generic parameters
must be observed. Examples:
Queue<String> Pair<int,Object> Pair<int,Pair<int,String>> IEnumerable<float> ICloneable<Queue<String>> Vec3<double>
Generic parameters can be used as types whenever they are in scope, subject to the restrictions described above.
Equivalence on generic class and value type instantiations is by structure. That is, two generic type instantiations are equivalent if and only if they are instantiations of the same generic type definition and their generic arguments are equivalent. This applies to static type signatures and to run-time type representations (type handles).
Rationale: orthogonality, also compare arrays.
A consequence of orthogonality with the existing CLR is that objects of generic type instantiations carry sufficient information to recover the actual arguments at run-time (the exact type). This manifests itself through casting and instance-of testing, as well as in reflection capabilities of course (Object.GetType).
The CLR rules for subtyping are extended as follows. Suppose that generic class or interface C has the header (constraints are optional)
..., tyvar-n> :
class-type, interface-type-1, ..., interface-type-m
where constraints
Then C<type-1,...,type-n> is a subtype of
class-type[substitute type-1 for tyvar-1,...,type-n for tyvar-n];
interface-type-j[substitute type-1 for tyvar-1,...,type-n for tyvar-n] for each j.
A consequence is that user-defined generic type definitions are not covariant in their type parameters, in contrast to the built-in array types and the generic types of the Eiffel programming language. For example, Queue<String> is not a subtype of Queue<Object>.
Rationale: this would lead to a type loophole without complex restrictions.
A member of an instantiation of a generic type definition C is accessible if and only if the member is accessible in C itself.
Instance members (fields and methods) of a generic type instantiation are referred to by member-ref, which consists of two parts:
It is possible for distinct members to have identical types when instantiated, but which can be distinguished by member-ref. For example:
class C<S,T> { String f; S f; void m(S x) {...} void m(T x) {...} void m(String x) {...} }
The generic class instantiation C<String,String> now has three methods called m, all with the same type, and two fields called f with the same type. They are easily distinguished through the member-ref encoding described above:
String C<String,String>::f S C<String,String>::f void C<String,String>::m(S) void C<String,String>::m(T) void C<String,String>::m(String)
How a source language might resolve this kind of overloading is another matter, of course.
For interop purposes it might be useful to define one method with Object argument type and another at type parameter T.
To outlaw such ambiguous classes could involve a relatively expensive check in the class loader.
There are two questions to answer here.
The rules that determine the answers are a
straightforward generalization of the existing rules, which are based around
the method signature: the name and types of arguments and results.
However, we must now take into account the instantiations of the
superclass and implemented interfaces. This is illustrated in the following C#
class C<S,T> { public virtual T m1() { ... } public virtual S m2(T x) { ... } } class D<R> : C<int,R[]> { override public R[] m1() { ... } // inherits int m2(R[]) } class E<X> : D< List<X> > { // inherits List<X>[] m1() override public int m2(List<X>[] x) { ... } }
A single method body can serve as the implementation of multiple interfaces, just as in the existing runtime:
interface I<T> { void m(T x); } interface J { void m(int x); } class C : I<int>, J { void m(int x) { ... } }
MethodImpls can be used to provide distinct implementations. In C#:
class C : I<int>, J { void I<int>.m(int x) { ... } void J.m(int x) { ... } }
A class must not (directly or indirectly through interface inheritance) implement the same interface at more than one instantiation. For example, the class definitions below are illegal:
interface I<T> { void m(T x); void n(); } class C : I<int>, I<string> class D<T> : I<T>, I<double>
A generic method is a method for which formal generic parameters are declared. As with generic type definitions, each generic parameter has a name, and optionally constraints that must be interface or class types. See Section 2.14 for some examples.
The generic parameters are in scope in the types of the arguments and result (despite the appearance of the generic parameters to the right of the result type) and in the body of the method.
Generic instance (virtual and non-virtual) methods can occur inside generic type definitions, in which case the generic parameters of both the class and the method are in scope in the method.
public struct Pair<A, B> { A fst; B snd; Pair(A a, B b) { this.fst = a; this.snd = b; } public A GetFst() { return fst; } public B GetSnd() { return snd; } }
public class Stack<T> { T[] items; int nitems; const int initialsize = 20; public Stack() { nitems = 0; items = new T[initialsize]; } void Push(T item) { if (items.Length == nitems) { T[] temp = items; items = new T[nitems*2]; Array.Copy(temp, items, nitems); } items[nitems++] = item; } T Pop() { if (nitems == 0) throw new EmptyStack(); else return items[--nitems]; } bool IsEmpty() { return nitems==0; } }
public interface IEnumerator<T> { bool MoveNext(); T GetCurrent(); void Reset(); } public interface Ienumerable<T> { Ienumerator<T> GetEnumerator(); } public interface Icloneable<T> where T: Object // notice constraint { T Clone(); } public interface Icomparable<T> { int Compare(T x, T y); }
public class ArrayEnumerator<T> : Ienumerator<T> {...} public class Vowels : Ienumerator<String> {...} public class Primes : Ienumerator<int> {...} public abstract class PrintableList<T : Iprintable> : List<T>, Iprintable {...} // Generic parameters in constraints (aka "F-bounded" polymorphism) // Also notice recursive reference to class in interface public abstract class CloneableArrayList<T : Icloneable<T>> : ArrayList<T>, Icloneable<CloneableArrayList<T>> {...}
public class ArrayUtils { static void Reverse<T>(T[] arr, int index, int length) { int i = index; int j = index + length - 1; T temp; while (i < j) { temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; i++; j--; } } static T[] Slice<T>(T[] arr, int index, int length) { T[] copy = new T[length]; int j; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) copy[j] = arr[index+j]; return copy; } static void Sort<T>(T[] arr, Icomparer<T> comparer) {...} } // Generic instance method inside a generic class definition class FastArray<T> { ...methods from earlier... void PairWith<U>(FastArray<U> that) { int n = this.Length; FastArray<Pair<T,U>> result = new FastArray<Pair<T,U>>(n); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) result[j] = new Pair<T,U>(this[j], that[j]); return result; } void PairWith<U>(U that) { int n = this.Length; FastArray<Pair<T,U>> result = new FastArray<Pair<T,U>>(n); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) result[j] = new Pair<T,U>(this[j], that); return result; } } // Example of PairWith in action, assuming arr1 : FastArray<int> FastArray<Pair<int,String>> arr2 = arr1.PairWith<String>("foo");